Somewhere along the way,
We got confidence all wrong.
It’s been a popularity contest,
Reserved for those born with it.
It’s been the loudest person in the room,
The best bullshitter,
The extrovert,
The one with all the answers.
But true confidence doesn’t mean you’ve got it all figured out.
It means you’re okay even if you don’t.
It’s when you own what you do know,
And you own what you don’t know,
Because there’s no shame in saying,I don’t know.
Can you help me?
Confidence is when we discuss our faults just as easily as our strengths.
We step up to the plate prepared to have strong opinions,
And equally ready to let them go,
Because we’re not afraid to change our mind.
Confidence is when we believe in ourselves through
every prototype,
every trial,
every error,
and every iteration.
It’s not tied to success or failure,
It’s an okayness.
With who we are,
As we are.
It’s not reserved for anyone,
Nor sourced from anyone,
It’s not nature,
Nor nurture.
It’s simply,
And it’s yours for the taking.